Are You Wasting Away Again in Margaritaville?

wasting away again in margaritavilleThe other day I was thinking of Jimmy Buffett’s iconic Wasting Away Again in Margaritaville, and it made me ponder the many ways that alcohol abuse can lead us to waste so much of our lives. Some areas are more striking than others, of course, but it’s truly amazing at how much damage alcohol can cause. Let’s take just a brief look at some of the waste and destruction caused by alcoholism:

Read more Are You Wasting Away Again in Margaritaville?

Best Way to Stop Drinking?

best way to stop drinkingHave you ever wondered which way is the BEST way to stop drinking, or to overcome alcoholism? If so, you’re in luck. There IS one method of quitting that has routinely proven to be more successful, and longer lasting, than all others.

Here it is: The single, most effective way to stop drinking alcohol is to REPLACE your drinking habit with one or more empowering habits DURING THOSE HOURS you normally drink alcohol.

Read more Best Way to Stop Drinking?