Can Alcohol Give You Man-Boobs?

man boobsOne of the more embarrassing side-effects of drinking alcohol is that many men seem to develop “man-boobs”, as extra tissue builds up in their chest.

You can google “man-boobs” and you’ll get a million results, with everything from silly jokes to drastic remedies, including surgery (here’s a good, in-depth article).

Needless to say, enlarged breasts and shrunken testicles are characteristics that most men do not want. This is VERY serious stuff for the guys who suffer from it. So, are man-boobs a reality? Can alcohol really cause this? Read more Can Alcohol Give You Man-Boobs?

Alcohol Treatment Websites to Help You Get and STAY Sober

alcohol treatment websitesIn addition to my own site, there are a number of alcohol treatment websites that I can recommend based on their non-AA approach.

Some of these sites, of course, may have ideas that are a bit different from what you may see in my articles. But, that is exactly why you should keep your mind open to them. You simply never know when an article or idea hits home, and helps you move in the direction of being healthier.
Read more Alcohol Treatment Websites to Help You Get and STAY Sober

Alcohol Made You Sick

alcohol made you sickChances are that alcohol made you sick at some point in your life. You’ve been huddled about the toilet, either feeling sick or actually vomiting, because you’ve drunk too much. You may have even felt so nauseous that you wanted to vomit. Or you made yourself vomit, just so you could get it over with and start feeling better.
Read more Alcohol Made You Sick

Kudzu and Alcoholism

kudzuI’ve read numerous articles over the years promoting the natural herb Kudzu as an excellent way to reduce alcohol cravings.

Many of the articles touted it as a virtual miracle cure for alcoholism. While other articles warned that it was nothing short of quackery! Being the rather objective guy I am, I decided to look a bit further into it to decide what was true, and what was simply hype.
Read more Kudzu and Alcoholism

Fat, Drunk and Stupid

fat, drunk and stupidThe term “fat, drunk and stupid” should sound very familiar. You likely recognize it as one of the many memorable scenes in the classic movie Animal House.

In the movie, Dean Wormer confronted the Delta Tau Chi Fraternity members on their appallingly bad grade point averages. Kent Dorfman, aka Delta House’s Flounder, actually had one of the better GPA’s at 0.2!

Read more Fat, Drunk and Stupid

A Simple Way to Drink Less Alcohol

water helps you drink less alcoholOftentimes we struggle with an alcoholism because we are making it TOO EASY to drink more than we should. Before long, we have gone from someone who drinks a normal amount to a person who is battling alcoholism. But, the good news is that there’s actually a very simple way to drink less alcohol, and it’s already practiced by millions of people all around the world.
Read more A Simple Way to Drink Less Alcohol

Alcohol Damages the Body

alcohol damages the bodyI ran across a very informative article entitled “How Alcohol Damages the Body”, by Dr. Emmanuel Rubin.

Although the research is a few years old, it is clear that the evidence against excessive alcohol consumption has been known for a long time.

Rubin went into great detail on why and how alcohol is so bad, and how it damages the body it in almost every way possible.

Read more Alcohol Damages the Body