Beat Alcoholism With This Magic Wand

beat alcoholismWouldn’t it be great if there was a magic wand we could wave to make problems like alcoholism go away? So much heartache and misery would simply disappear overnight, and so many minds and bodies could finally begin to heal. Millions and millions of people would finally begin to FEEL alive and happy again, now that alcohol was no longer dulling their senses, or wreaking havoc in every area of their lives.

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Sober Sunshine Superman

sober sunshine supermanI took a nice, long walk today since the sun decided to finally make an appearance after several weeks, and it struck me that even the little things in my life are more enjoyable since I stopped drinking alcohol. It simply was invigorating to feel the sun upon my skin, and I noticed that I felt stronger and healthier than I have in years.

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Waking Up Sober: It Never Gets Old

waking up soberOne of the better reasons to quit drinking alcohol is how remarkably refreshed you will feel the morning after not drinking. You immediately begin to think more clearly and deeply, and your body feels invigorated with natural energy.You simply FEEL better and LOOK better in the morning when you haven’t drank alcohol the night before.

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Are You Wasting Away Again in Margaritaville?

wasting away again in margaritavilleThe other day I was thinking of Jimmy Buffett’s iconic Wasting Away Again in Margaritaville, and it made me ponder the many ways that alcohol abuse can lead us to waste so much of our lives. Some areas are more striking than others, of course, but it’s truly amazing at how much damage alcohol can cause. Let’s take just a brief look at some of the waste and destruction caused by alcoholism:

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