Every one of us has made mistakes in our lives and gotten involved in things that, in hindsight, we wish we hadn’t. For the most part, these mistakes consisted of drug and alcohol abuse which brought pain and misery into the lives of each of us, as well as our loved ones. As we get older and wiser, and desire to be more healthy, we try to overcome these addictions, and yet find that some are easier to fall by the wayside than others.
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to quit drinking? You probably have, because most people have a great imagination.
They imagine getting a new job, being better looking, or meeting that special someone. Or, they dream of wining the lottery, since being rich can bring all the material things they’ve always wanted.
They also dream about being thinner, or younger, or smarter. They may wonder what their life would have been like had they done things differently in the past.
If you’re looking for a strong ally in your fight against drinking, you might want to take a closer look at your daily eating habits. Does food become secondary to you, especially as the time to start drinking approaches?
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a magic wand we could wave to make problems like alcoholism go away? So much heartache and misery would simply disappear overnight, and so many minds and bodies could finally begin to heal. Millions and millions of people would finally begin to FEEL alive and happy again, now that alcohol was no longer dulling their senses, or wreaking havoc in every area of their lives.
I took a nice, long walk today since the sun decided to finally make an appearance after several weeks, and it struck me that even the little things in my life are more enjoyable since I stopped drinking alcohol. It simply was invigorating to feel the sun upon my skin, and I noticed that I felt stronger and healthier than I have in years.
One of the better reasons to quit drinking alcohol is how remarkably refreshed you will feel the morning after not drinking. You immediately begin to think more clearly and deeply, and your body feels invigorated with natural energy.You simply FEEL better and LOOK better in the morning when you haven’t drank alcohol the night before.
If one phrase ever accurately described the daily life of someone who addicted to alcohol, it would have to be “ball and chain.”
Starting from the moment the alcoholic wakes up, their drinking problem weighs them down – and they struggle all day to work effectively, be at their best, or simply ignore a hangover.