Alcohol Treatment Websites to Help You Get and STAY Sober

alcohol treatment websitesIn addition to my own site, there are a number of alcohol treatment websites that I can recommend based on their non-AA approach.

Some of these sites, of course, may have ideas that are a bit different from what you may see in my articles. But, that is exactly why you should keep your mind open to them. You simply never know when an article or idea hits home, and helps you move in the direction of being healthier.

I’ve also included a couple of food-related sites, as I’ve written before on the wonderful power of food over alcohol. Obviously, this isn’t an exhaustive list. It is just a few of the many awesome alcoholism and/or health websites out there. But, here are a couple that have caught my eye:

3 Great Alcohol Treatment Websites

  • SMART Recovery – This is an excellent site that teaches self-empowerment and self-reliance. They organize meetings, have an online community, and much more.
  • The Sobriety Collective – A very entertaining and informative site dealing with the contributions of sober people from different backgrounds.
  • Tired of Thinking About Drinking – Lots of great articles and advice on sobriety, all with a personal touch.

3 Great Health and Wellness Websites

  • The World’s Healthiest Foods – A wonderful resource on healthy foods, improving your diet, and a great deal more. All from a non-profit foundation and without ads. Kudos.
  • Food Matters – An inspiring and informative site with one clear message: changing what you eat can change your life.
  • Forks Over Knives – Changing your diet to one that is whole-foods and plant-based can be the best decision you’ve ever made.

The alcohol treatment websites listed above are a superb first-step towards true health and sobriety. Also, don’t discount the importance of diet in your battle against alcoholism. Remember, food is your BEST ally in resisting the temptation to drink. It will also give your body everything it needs to look and function at it’s best. ♦