2 Ways to Jump-start Your Decision to Quit Drinking

decision to quit drinkingMany people WANT to quit drinking, but never actually get around to taking the necessary steps to do so. Perhaps it simply seems too hard, or they are unsure where to begin.

If this sounds like you, please take a moment to read How to Quit Drinking Alcohol. Then perhaps you can be inspired by the following 2 ways to jump-start your decision to quit drinking.

1. Set a Specific Date When You Will Quit. Starting a new chapter in our lives is often easier to do when it begins on a particular date – one that is easy for us to remember, or has an emotional meaning on some level. For example, a wedding anniversary is one unforgettable day that could also make a great starting point to get sober.

Think about it. Doesn’t “I quit drinking on my wedding anniversary” have a MUCH stronger emotional feel to it than a more generic “I quit drinking a couple of weeks ago” has? By attaching a date that MEANS SOMETHING to you, you are thereby much more likely to stick to your commitment.

Obviously, besides a wedding anniversary, you can also use any other date that has some meaning in your life, such as a holiday like Valentine’s Day or New Year’s Day, the birthday of one of your children, or even the first day of the month. If you’ve thought of quitting, but haven’t as of yet, try picking a specific date in the very near future to start. Many people find that the first day of the month is a great jumping off point for their new
sober lifestyle.

2. An Open-Ended Commitment Some people have a difficult time deciding to stop drinking because they can’t imagine “never” having a drink again. And the thought of “never” drinking again scares them on some level, usually because it just seems so final.

If this is you, then perhaps it might be better to make an open-ended commitment. That is, instead of swearing off booze FOREVER, simply aim for a shorter time frame that you’re more comfortable with. For example, 30 days. And when that 30 days is up you can decide at that time whether to go another 30 days without drinking, or take some other course of action.

If you’re not sure you can handle 30 days, then go for 7 days – or whatever time frame you’re most comfortable with right now. You can always recommit yourself to another 7 days once that first week is over with.


Whether setting a specific date to quit, or making a short-term commitment to be healthier, it’s important that you make a decision right now to do one or the other. Once you do you’ll get yourself out of the paralysis-by-analysis mode, and you’ll immediately feel MUCH better about the direction your life is headed. ♦